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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What is Sprint Review?

A Sprint review is usually held at the end of the sprint to verify and inspect the deliverables. During the Sprint review, the development team, product owner and scrum master collaborate about what was done in the Sprint. In this meeting, the development team will demonstrate the deliverables to get feedback and confirmation.
Sprint review is a four-hour time-boxed meeting for a standard 4 week sprints.

The Sprint review will include the following:

- The product owner will agree on what items are completed and which ones are not completed
- The development team will demonstrates the deliverables and answers any questions
The development team could also discusses what went well during the Sprint, any problems that were identified during the Sprint and how were they resolved
- The product owner will update the product backlog and present the new items

The Sprint review hence will produce an updated product backlog which will be used for the next Sprint planning meeting.

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